Cryptomus FAQ

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  • Payer's Guide

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  • CRMS

  • Merchant Setup & Payments

My customer tried to pay via the fiat on-ramp provider, but it failed. Why so, and what should they do?

In some rare cases, the on-ramp provider may allow customers to initiate payments from restricted countries, but the payment will not be completed. If this occurs, the payer should click the Cancel fiat payment button on the payment page.

Is there a minimum payment amount?
Yes, the minimum payment amount is 25 USD. If the amount is less than this, the Pay by Card button will be disabled.

Is there a payment limit when buying crypto through the on-ramp provider?
Yes, there are limits for fiat purchases via the on-ramp provider:

  • Single transaction limit: 25 to 5,000 euros
  • Daily limit per account: 10,000 euros
  • Weekly limit per account: 25,000 euros
  • Monthly limit per account: 25,000 euros
  • Limit on the number of card transactions per day: 15 euros
  • Limit on the number of card transactions per month: 100 euros
  • Total transaction limit per month: 25,000 euros